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Campus Review
May 7, 2013
Dr. Robert Vaughan Named
Dean of the Graduate School
by Dr. Micheal Crafton, Provost
Clayton State’s First Arbor Day Celebration a Success
by John Shiffert, University Relations
If you will recall, we combined the position
of the dean of the graduate school with the
position of associate vice president for aca-
demic affairs more than a year ago as part
of the general cost saving and consolidation
efforts consistent with those throughout the
University System of Georgia.
As this year came to a close I assessed the
situation and found that we can continue
with this structure for the short term. The
graduate school is a bit too big to simply
be a faculty member’s add-on job, and yet
still too small to
warrant the cre-
ation of yet anoth-
er administrative
would like to
remove the word
“interim” from
Vaughan’s title
and simply re-title his position as Dean of
the Graduate School. He has done a fine
job and will now be empowered a little
more to explore new paths of develop-
I wish to express my thanks, as I know Dr.
Vaughan would also, to Dr. Tom
McIlwain and Dr. Gwen Harold for their
previous work in the history and develop-
ment of the school bringing it to its cur-
rent level of quality.
Clayton State and the Clayton State Tree
Committee hosted the University’s first
Arbor Day Observance on Friday, Apr. 26.
Not surprisingly, the theme of the day
was, “Trees. Made Real.”
The Arbor Day Ceremony and tree plant-
ing started on the University Quad, with
that Clayton State’s recycling program
has saved 8000 trees, in addition to the
half dozen Shumard Oaks planted on
campus on Apr. 26
Following Cummings’ keynote, Associate
Professor of Biology Dr. Jere Boudell was
in her métier, speaking on “Ecology and
Plants of the Piedmont Trail,” and noting
that, “we live in a tree community.” As
part of the Arbor Day celebration, Boudell
officially inaugurated the campus’ Plants
of the Piedmont Trail, located just across
Swan Lake, on the pathway between the
lake and Spivey Hall. Boudell pointed out
that the trail not only provides identifica-
tion signs for the trees on the trail, but
there is even an app associated with the
signs to further identify the trees.
Following the speech-making, Boudell
led tours through the “Plants of the
Piedmont” Trail.
Boudell and Tree Committee Chair Justin
Brooks added that, although the campus
already has many species of oak, includ-
ing red, white, water and willow oaks, the
Georgia native Shumard Oaks planted at
various sites on the Quad and by the lake
were the first of their type on campus.
Doing the planting were local home-
schooled children, who attended the event
at the invitation of Spivey Hall Education
Manager Catherine Giel.
Clayton State Vice President for Business
and Operations Corlis Cummings provid-
ing the keynote address.
Proving conclusively that CFO’s are also
philosophical, Cummings quoted Frank
Lloyd Wright, “the best friend of man on
Earth is the tree.” Cummings also noted
Clayton State University’s first Arbor Day celebration, April 26, 2013.
Dr. Robert Vaughan