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Campus Review
May 19, 2014
by meeting Tree Campus USA’s five stan-
dards, which include maintaining a tree
advisory committee, a campus tree-care
plan, dedicated annual expenditures for its
campus tree program, an Arbor Day
observance and student service-learning
“Students are eager to volunteer in their
communities and become better stewards
of the environment,” says John Rosenow,
founder and chief executive of the
Nebraska City, Neb.-based Arbor Day
Foundation. “Participating in Tree
Campus USA sets a fine example for
other colleges and universities, while
helping to create a healthier planet for us
“You don’t have to spend more than five
seconds on this campus to know that
threes are who we are,” said Hynes in his
remarks during the ceremony. “Trees
define us. We want to make sure this cam-
pus is not just beautiful today, but beauti-
ful forever.”
It is worth noting that a study of the
Clayton State campus in early 2012, initi-
ated as part of the Tree Campus USA pro-
gram, tagged a total of 1379 trees on the
then-167 acre campus.
The Arbor Day ceremony included a tree
planting (the featured tree was a
Chionanthus virginicus, or the Fringe
Tree) in the Quad behind the James M.
Baker University Center as well as the
Clayton State Tree Committee giving
away tree seedlings. The day also includ-
ed guided tours by Clayton State students
of the “Plants of the Piedmont” trail,
located behind Spivey Hall, the Music
Education Building and the Harry S.
Downs Center. Local children, a key part
of the celebration, painted small terracot-
ta pots to take home with their seedlings.
Following the ceremony, additional trees
were planted at various locations through-
out the campus, including Carolina
Silverbell, Japanese Stewartia, Sugar
Maple, and American Snowbell.
The Arbor Day Foundation is a million-
member nonprofit conservation and edu-
cation organization with the mission to
inspire people to plant, nurture, and cele-
brate trees. More information is available
Arbor Day Celebration and tree planting 2014
Arbor Day, cont’d. from p. 4