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Campus Review
April 1, 2013
Georgia Senate Honors Marcus Bartlett
Model United Nations Delegates Receive Recognition at
National Model UN Conference in the Galapagos Islands
by Samantha Watson, University Relations
University senior
mathematics major
(McDonough) was
presented with a
Senate resolution
last week, honoring
ments at the University, including the
Bartlett Index, a topological index for
molecules representable by graph theoret-
ic trees that was recently named after him.
Attending the ceremony at the chambers
of State Senator Rick Jeffares, in addition
to Bartlett and his family, were Clayton
State President Dr. Thomas J. Hynes, and
Clayton State Director of Special Projects
Jim Flowers. A student at Clayton State
since the spring semester of 2008, and a
member of the Clayton State Dean’s List
11 times over, Bartlett will graduate in
May 2013 with his dreams made real.
The Senate resolution reads as follows:
Recognizing and commending Clayton
State University student Marcus Bartlett
and inviting him to be recognized by the
Senate; and for other purposes.
WHEREAS, Mr. Bartlett began college at
age 24 and at age 30 is a senior at Clayton
State University having worked in the
fields of heating and air and cabinetry
since high school; and
WHERAS, Mr. Bartlett will graduate with
a double major in Chemistry and
Mathematics; is published in the Journal
of Combinatorial Mathematics and
Combinatorial Computing; and has been
recognized as the discoverer of a new
measure of distances of structures in mol-
ecules, the Bartlett Index; and
WHEREAS Mr. Bartlett’s achievements
as an undergraduate student are rare, they are
even more remarkable as he began his col-
lege career as a someone who, in his words,
“was horrible in math” and had to enroll in
basic developmental math courses; and
WHEREAS Mr. Bartlett strove to take
every math course he could in order to
pursue his dream career in drafting and
engineering; and demonstrated his deter-
mination by taking an independent study
course in differential equations while
working nights at UPS; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Bartlett has taken time
to help others by tutoring fellow students
in math, physics and chemistry in Clayton
State’s Academic Success Center; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Bartlett has been accept-
ed to the chemistry Ph.D. program at the
University of Georgia; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Bartlett has demonstrat-
ed that commitment to a strong work
ethic, a desire to learn, and a drive to dis-
cover are traits that create new careers and
Clayton State University was well repre-
sented at the 2013 National Model United
Nations conference held in the Galapagos
Islands earlier this year.
Sociology majors Troy Williams
(Jonesboro) and Darrel Campbell
(College Park), who are both members of
Clayton State’s Model UN, served as part
of a joint five-member delegation with
Georgia State University students and rep-
resented the West African nation of Togo
at the conference.
The National Model UN Latin American
service-learning trip was held at the
Galapagos Academic Institute for the Arts
and Sciences on San Cristóbal Island. It
was held in cooperation with Universidad
San Francisco de Quito in Ecuador and it
allowed students to focus on global envi-
ronmental issues in committee sessions.
The conference included cultural visits
and a community service project.
The delegation brought home two confer-
ence awards, and as a whole received an
“Honorable Mention Award” for their
diplomacy and overall performance. In
addition, the delegation received the
award for “Outstanding Delegates in a
Committee.” While the whole delegation
was honored with this last award, it was
largely a merit award given to Campbell.
The Clayton State Department Chair of
Social Sciences, Dr. Rafik Mohamed,
thanks everyone who has contributed to
Williams’ and Campbell’s educational
journey. He also thanks Dr. Karen Young,
“since last summer, she has put in a ton of
time and effort to make this trip possible
and to prepared Darrell, Troy, and the
GSU delegates for the conference.”
Mohamed also gives a “special recogni-
tion to our provost, Dr. Micheal Crafton
and our associate provost, Dr. Robert
Vaughan, for their efforts and support
from the Provost’s office for making this
wonderful opportunity possible.”
Young, Mohamed and the Clayton State
Model UN members then attended the
National Model United Nations confer-
ence in New York Citythrough Mar. 22.
Marcus Bartlett
Bartlett, cont’d., p. 6