Campus Review
April 1, 2013
Page 16
Trivia Time
Dr. Gizmo’s Kollege of
Technical Knowledge
by John Shiffert, University Relations
That’s what they used to call the late,
lamented School of Technology at
Clayton State, back when Dr. Wally
Shakun was dean, but after he was Dr.
Gizmo on TV, and before he was head of
the CE program.
What brought this about? Simple, it’s
what two of the all-time Trivia Time
champions, Dr. Tom Eddins and Lou
Brackett, have in common. They both
taught for Dr. Gizmo as part of the
School of Technology faculty.
Another blast from the past, Dirk
Morrell, had the first correct answer.
This was something of a surprise, since
Morrell didn’t typically answer emails
BEFORE he retired. However, he now
says he’s figured out email since his
retirement. Although modesty forbids
them for taking complete credit,
Brackett and Eddins were second and
third (but they still get three Bonus
Points each, even though Eddins used to
offer the interim dean a dollar if the
Technology faculty meetings were kept
under an hour.) Vickie F. Smith was
And, speaking of the School of
Technology, who was the dean Eddins
used to try to influence, or, to put it
another way, what Clayton State alum-
nus was the interim dean in Technology,
on more than one occasion? Don’t both-
er sending your answers to Eddins,
since, unlike Morrell, he has largely for-
saken email since retiring, send them to
As an extra bonus, the following is 2012
Tom Eddins Virtual Trivia Trophy win-
ner Jill Ellington’s acceptance speech for
her award…
I humbly accept my virtual trophy with
actual excitement! I will do my best to
defend my crown in my new position as
an Academic Advisor for Arts and
Sciences (effective Mar. 1). My congrat-
ulations to all my fellow competitors for
a hard-fought season!
The Fifth Annual Civic Engagement Undergraduate and Graduate Student Research Conference
was held Mar. 22 at the National Archives and featured keynote speaker Saba Long.
Aspire to Teach Conference 2013