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Campus Review
February 13, 2012
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Loch Visits Clayton State Archives;
Runs into Old Friend
by John Shiffert, University Relations
State is playing Columbus State
University in the Homecoming games on
Saturday. The shirts will be on sale all
week in the University center for $10
In preparation for his first official
appearance at the Clayton State
Homecoming Pep Rally on Friday,
Feb. 17, the University’s new Loch has
been making the rounds on campus.
After emerging from Swan Lake in
January, Loch has been seen in the
Student Activities Center (taking a
shower), The Loch Shop (naturally…
he was buying a hoodie), in Laker Hall
(taking a nap) and texting his support
to basketball coaches Gordon Gibbons
and Dennis Cox. Last week, Loch
apparently decided to visit his “roots”
and check out some Clayton State his-
tory, by stopping by to see Clayton
State Archivist Rosemary Fischer in
Taylor later reported that he was look-
ing for back issues of “The Bent Tree”
when Loch realized he was there, and
embraced him, obviously a case of one
Clayton State legend taking another by
surprise (see above photo). Once
things calmed down; Fischer, Taylor
and Loch went to lunch at the Lakeside
Dining Hall.
Loch will make his first official
appearance on Friday, Feb. 17, at the
Homecoming Pep Rally, which will be
held starting at noon in the Commons
area of the James M. Baker University
the University Archives, located in the
Library. Fischer explains that Loch was
checking out the record of some of his
former incarnations and exploits as the
Lakers’ mascot (see above photo).
Much to the surprise of all parties, one of
Loch’s oldest (and we do mean oldest) friends,
Clayton State Emeritus Director of Student
Life Rob Taylor, happened to come into the
Archives while Loch was studying his dis-
plays. Now a resident of Tyrone, Ga., Taylor
was on campus and was planning on doing
some research on his own in theArchives, pos-
sibly in preparation of writing his autobiogra-
phy, “Twenty-Five Years at Clayton State,” a
work that would include Loch first emerging
from Swan Lake in the early 90s.
Tickets are still available for the week’s
other basketball event, the Harlem
Ambassadors Basketball Show on
Wednesday, Feb. 15, at 7 p.m. in the
Athletics & Fitness Center. The Harlem
Ambassadors will face off against the
Loch Stars, which will feature a few
Clayton State students and some former
Clayton State players as well.
Homecoming, cont’d. from p. 1