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Campus Review
January 31, 2014
Campus Review
January 31, 2014
John Shiffert
Sara Boyd
Erin Fender
Ciji Fox
Lauren Graves
Amanda Parham
Samantha Watson
Lauren Graves
Photography: Erin Fender
Ciji Fox
Graphic Design: Lauren Graves
Dennis Cox Named to FCSAA Hall of Fame
Laker Indoor Track Wins
Nine Events at Tiger Indoor Invitational
by Gid Rowell
Clayton State
U n i v e r s i t y
women’s bas-
ketball coach
Dennis Cox has
captured hun-
dreds of wins, a
national cham-
pionship and
been named a
national coach
of the year. In
the coming weeks, he will add another
achievement to his impressive resume.
Cox has been named to the Hall of Fame
in the Florida College System Activities
Association (FCSAA), which coordinates
intercollegiate athletics for 28 community
and state colleges in Florida. The induc-
tion ceremony will be held on Saturday,
Mar. 8, at the FCSAA State Basketball
Tournament being held at the College of
Central Florida in Ocala, Fla.
Before becoming one of the nation’s top
NCAA Division II head coaches and
building Clayton State into a national
power, Cox also experienced similar suc-
cess in the junior college ranks in Florida.
“It is great to hear that Coach Cox is
being named to the FCSAA Hall of
Fame,” says Clayton State Athletic
Director Carl McAloose. “Very few peo-
ple can boast of the accomplishments he
has had at the junior college level and
now the NCAA II. He has touched many
lives in the process and it is great to see
he is being recognized for doing so.
Clayton State University is very fortunate
to have him.”
Prior to joining Clayton State in 2004,
Cox served six years as the head coach at
Daytona Beach Community College in
Daytona, Fla., building DBCC into a
powerhouse. He compiled a 147-41
Conference championships, a Mid-
Florida Conference Tournament champi-
onship and had a state runner-up finish at
the school.
His top season at Daytona Beach came in
the 2002-03 campaign when his Falcons
finished fourth in the nation in the
National Junior College Athletic
Association final poll with a 29-2 record.
He averaged 25 wins per season during
his six years at Daytona.
The Clayton State women’s and men’s
indoor track and field teams competed in
their third meet of the season Saturday
and captured a number of top finishes at
the Tiger Indoor Invitational hosted by the
University of the South in Sewanee, Tenn.
The Lakers won a combined nine events
on the day with the women’s team win-
ning four events and the men’s squad
brining home five first place finishes.
“Both teams had a productive day in this
low-key meet,” said head coach Mike
Mead. “It is hard to get mentally up for
every competition and this is our third
meet in as many weeks. I was quite
pleased with the efforts of everyone on
each team. With its tight turns, this track
is tough to race well on. This meet should
be a confidence-booster for many of our
kids as we head into our next meet."
On the women’s side, sophomore Maia
Kuhnen won two events for the Lakers
along with sophomore Shanice Walker
and sophomore Jessica Matthews.
Kuhnen won the 800m run with a time of
2:24.69 and the mile run with a time of
5:26.75. Walker captured first in the 400m
dash with a time of 1:04.09 and Matthews
won the triple jump with a leap of 38-feet-
2 ¼ inches.
The women’s squad also had a handful of
runner-up finishes in the meet as senior
Jhaquil Richardson, senior Samantha
Walling and sophomore Taylor Galvin all
placed second in events. Richardson fin-
ished second in the 200m dash with a time
of 27.93 and the 400m run with a time of
1:04.39. Walling placed second in the
800m run with a time of 2:28.84, while
Galvin was the runner-up in the mile at
On the men’s side, sophomore Kemboi
had the top performance winning two
events, while junior Jaleel Waldron, fresh-
man Rafael Salis and the 4x400m relay
team brought home first place finishes.
Track, cont’d., p. 24
Coach Cox, cont’d., p. 22