Campus Review
January 28, 2013
Page 6
The early-music ensemble Armonia
Celeste performs as part of the Musica
Sacra concert series at First Presbyterian
Church of Atlanta on Feb. 1, at 7:30 p.m.,
an event that will have a distinct Clayton
State University presence. The featured
instrumentalists for the performance will
include Armonia Celeste co-founder Dr.
Lyle Nordstrom, the former head of the
music department at Clayton State, and
Atlanta-based historical harpist Paula
Fagerberg, a 2000 graduate of Clayton
State, who plays a rare copy of the c.1630
Barberini Baroque triple harp for this con-
cert tour. Nordstrom, who is retired from
teaching and now lives in Maryland, plays
lutes and baroque guitar in the group.
Armonia Celeste specializes in rarely heard
repertoire from the Italian Renaissance and
early Baroque. The concert is free and open
to the public, with a free pre-concert lecture
on the group’s historical instruments and
repertoire at 6:45 p.m. A reception will fol-
low the concert.
Counseling and
Psychological Services
Clayton State University will be hosting
the Counseling Directors Association
(CDA) of the University System of
Georgia’s (USG) crisis response training,
“Crisis Management for Professionals:
From Planning to Responding to
Recovery,” on Thursday, Feb. 21, and
Friday, Feb. 22, (9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on both
days) in room 203 of the Harry S. Downs
Center. The CDA-sponsored crisis
response training is open only to
University System counseling center per-
sonnel. According to Dr. Christine Smith,
Clayton State director of Counseling and
Psychological Services, the unpredictable
aspect of the occurrence of crises makes it
necessary that the USG be ready to
respond to respond as quickly as possible
to a disaster involving member schools.
Dental Hygiene
Each year, in recognition of the Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr. holiday, Clayton State
University’s Dental Hygiene students, facul-
ty and staff provide a Day of Service for the
community. This year’s Day of Service was
held, on Tuesday, Jan. 22, at the Clayton
State Dental Hygiene Clinic, when new
patients were provided oral-health screen-
ing, X-rays and patient education services
free of charge. “The sound of Dr. King’s
voice still resonates within the hearts and
minds of those who love peace and serving
others,” says Dr. Gail Barnes, Clayton State
department chair of Dental Hygiene.
The Clayton State University Library will
be hosting more than 500 people for the
Fifth Annual Metro Atlanta Helen Ruffin
Reading Bowl Competition on Saturday,
Feb. 2, from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Helen
Ruffin was a library media specialist who
wanted to excite kids about reading. In
response to her posting on the selection
committee for DeKalb County Georgia’s
Children Book Award Nominee program,
she decided to engage students throughout
the county in a regional reading bowl. To
help with the Reading Bowl, Clayton
State Dean of Libraries Dr. Gordon Baker
has called for 60 volunteers from the
Clayton State campus to serve as readers,
score keepers, and other general volun-
teers. There will be training sessions for
volunteers on Friday, Feb. 1, at 4 p.m.,
Saturday, Feb. 2, at 7:30 a.m.
Clayton State University coordinator,
Division of Music, and director of Opera
and Vocal Studies Dr. Kurt-Alexander
Zeller returned to his hometown of
Portland, Ore., on Jan. 4 to direct a Sacred
in Opera (SIO) production during the con-
vention of the National Opera Association
(NOA). The SIO initiative of NOA pre-
sented “The Shepherds of the Delectable
Mountains” Act IV, Scene II from The
Pilgrim’s Progress by Ralph Vaughan
Williams, and excerpts from The Masque
of Angels by Dominick Argento at the
First Congregational Church in downtown
Public Safety
The University has recently purchased
additional defibrillators (commonly
known as AEDs) to be used by trained
personnel only if CPR has been imple-
mented and is unsuccessful. In addition to
the ones located in the SAC, AEDs are
now located in the Athletics and Fitness
Center, Clayton State — East, Clayton
Hall, the Downs Center, Arts and Sciences,
and NBS. Also, additional evacuation
chairs have been purchased for use in trans-
porting disabled persons or others unable to
walk down stairs in the event of a building
evacuation. The chairs can be used by any-
one physically capable of operating them.
They are located in or near stairwells in the
upper floors in the following locations:
Student Services Center, SAC, Clayton
State — East, Laker Hall, School of
Business, the LAB and Clayton Hall.
Campus faculty and staff; for those of you
who are new to the campus, and to refresh
the memory of those who have been here a
while, the following is a link directly to the
University’s Emergency Response Quick
Reference Guide which is located at Public
Safety’s website and contains guidance for
responding to various emergency situations
that may occur on campus. Hard copies can
also be obtained at our office. (Note that
page two is intentionally left blank.)
ergency-quick-reference.pdf. In addition, a
PowerPoint entitled “Keeping Yourself and
Your Classrooms Safe” has been posted on
the Public Safety website. Its primary focus
is to provide guidance and suggestions for
faculty in identifying and addressing issues
in the classroom. The presentation can also
be provided by Public Safety staff to any
groups on campus upon request.
Teacher Education
The Clayton State University Department
of Teacher Education has announced two
new information sessions for students
seeking information about Clayton State’s
Middle Level Education or Music
Education degree programs. Interested
individuals are invited to attend the
Information Sessions on Thursday, Feb. 7
and Tuesday, Apr. 9. Faculty will host a
one-hour dialogue on the nature of the
programs, admission criteria, course
scheduling, and other items of interest to
prospective students, allowing them to
discover how to make their dreams real --
what it takes to earn a degree in teacher
education. The Feb. 7 session will take
place in the Arts & Science Building,
room G-227, from 4 p.m. until 5 p.m. The
Apr. 9 sessions will be in the same build-
ing and room, from 5 p.m. until 6 p.m.
Across the Campus...