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Campus Review
January 23, 2012
The times for Clayton State’s basketball
doubleheader on Saturday, Jan. 28 with
USC Aiken have been changed to 3:30
p.m. (women — big game; Aiken is the
only team to beat last year's national
champions, and they probably think
they’re hot stuff) and 5:30 p.m. (men).
Business & Operations
This year's State Business Transaction
memorandum and forms are now avail-
able. Georgia law requires that all public
officials and employees disclose all
required business transactions with the
state that occurred during the previous
calendar year, by Jan. 31, 2012. The mem-
orandum and forms are available from the
Office of Business and Operations. The
instruction sheet with the forms explains
what type of business transactions must
be reported. You do not have to complete
and file the form if you do not have any
business transactions to report.
Human Resources
Electronic W-2 forms are now available
site, W-2s will be avail-
able on this web site for three years. If
there are any problems, please contact the
Shared Services Center Customer Support
From Jan. 27 to Jan. 29, the Home Show
Center will be hosting their annual Build,
Remodel and Landscape Expo. The Home
Show Center has provided Clayton State
University with two complimentary tick-
ets per employee. If you are interested in
attending this Expo, please contact the
Human Resource Department before Jan.
26. The Build, Remodel and Landscape
Expo is held at the Atlanta Exposition
Center, just off I-285, making it easily
accessible to the Atlanta metro area.
Hosted the past 13 years at the Atlanta
Exposition Center, the show has built a
reputation as the place for Atlanta and sur-
rounding community homeowners to
meet expert remodelers face to face all
under one roof.
Public Safety
Two new emergency telephones have
been installed at Clayton Station
Apartments. They are located in the park-
ing lots between phase one and phase two.
Although they are red in color, they func-
tion the same as the blue and white
phones on main campus, connecting
directly to the Department of Public
Safety. Additional emergency telephones
will be installed at the Clayton State –
East Campus and on the connecting walk-
way soon.
As most have observed by now, a section
of the curbing was cut out adjacent to the
College of Business Building on Clayton
State Boulevard, with signs posted “No
parking - drop off and pick up only.”
This was created to alleviate the traffic
congestion when people stop in the road-
way to drop off and pick up students.
There is sufficient space for at least two
vehicles at the time to pull into the new
drop off/pick up point without impeding
the flow of traffic. We ask that all please
begin using this space for which it was
designed, rather than stopping in the
Recreation & Wellness
The Department of Recreation &
Wellness is pleased to announce its next
outdoor adventure experience, Saturday,
Feb. 4 at the Georgia Aquarium, where
you will tour the largest aquarium in the
world! As a main event you will experi-
ence swimming with a variety of marine
creatures including the largest fish on
earth, the whale shark. Experienced divers
will take us on a snorkeling tour. The only
other place on earth to take part in an
activity like this is the ocean and you
aren’t even guaranteed to see a whale
shark. For more information please con-
tact: Nick Kilburg, assistant director of
Recreation and Wellness, Outdoor
Adventures, (678) 466-4972, nicholaskil-
The Loch Shop
The Loch Shop will be closed on Monday,
Feb. 6 for system training. Due to training
on the new, improved and upgraded
inventory control system, there will also
need to be shorter hours of operation for
Tuesday through Thursday of that week.
The Loch Shop’s modified hours for the
week of Feb. 6 to Feb. 10 are as follows:
Monday, Feb. 6, closed for system train-
ing; Tuesday, Feb. 7, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.;
Wednesday, Feb. 8, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.;
Thursday, Feb. 9, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Friday,
Feb. 10, 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Across the Campus...
Introducing… The Loft Café
Auxiliary Services has recently opened
at Clayton State — East… The Loft
Café. The café is located on the second
floor of the main building.
The hours of operation at present are:
Monday to Friday, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.;
and Monday to Thursday, 5:30 p.m. to
7:30 p.m.
The Loft Café serves coffee, bottled sodas
and water, Simply-to-Go sandwiches and
salads, chips, cookies and snacks.