catalog-handbook - page 312

Collegeof InformationandMathematical Sciences
ITFN4700AppliedResearch in InformationTechnology.......................... 3 hours
MGMT 3101Management Principles&Organizational Behavior.............. 3 hours
MKTG 3100Personal Marketing ............................................................. 3 hours
MKTG 3101Principles ofMarketing ........................................................ 3 hours
TECH3102Quality Issues inTechnology................................................ 3 hours
TECH3112AppliedAccounting.............................................................. 3 hours
TECH3113Survey of Statistical Methods inTechnology......................... 3 hours
TECH3115Legal Issues for Administrative&TechnologyManagers....... 3 hours
TECH4098 Internship ............................................................................ 3 hours
TECH4101HumanResources for Administrative&
TechnologyManagers ..................................................................... 3 hours
TECH4111Leadership for Administrative&TechnologyManagers ......... 3 hours
TECH4800SelectedTopics inTechnologyManagement ....................... 3 hours
Any upper division 3000- or 4000-level course.
Total DegreeRequirements
* Students with credit for ECON 2105-2106may exempt this course and take an additional
upper division related elective.
Other Program-SpecificGraduationRequirements
1. Studentmust haveminimumoverall GPA (asdefined byBanner) of 2.2at
timeof application.
2. In order tograduate, studentsmust pass thewriting assessment that is
given aspart of TECH3104. Students that donot pass thewriting
assessment will be required to successfully completeWLAB2999 as
evidenceof satisfactoryprogramwritingproficiency.
3. Studentmust completeRegents Test prior tobeingadmitted toBAS
4. Studentmust completeLegislativeRequirementsprior tobeing admitted to
BAS program.
5. Studentmust completeall AreaA courses (ENGL1101, ENGL 1102, MATH
1101/1111) prior tobeingadmitted toBAS program
The studentmust satisfy oneof the two career course requirementsprior to
being admitted toBASprogram:
Must haveanAASor AAT (Career AssociateDegree) from a regionally
accredited collegeor universityOR
Must haveat least 38 semester credit hours of professional/technical
courses from a regionallyaccredited collegeor universitywitha grade
of Cor higher and21 of these38must be inoneprofessional/technical
area. The studentmust not havebeen enrolled inany certificateor
career associatedegreeprogramwithin the last twoacademic years
prior toapplying for theBASprogram. If the student has 30-37
professional/technical courses, he/shewill need to takeadditional
courses to satisfy the38 hour requirement; the student’s advisor will
recommendappropriate courses.
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