catalog-handbook - page 131

Collegeof Arts andSciences
ENGL 3100, ENGL 3200, ENGL 3410, ENGL 3420, ENGL
3501, ENGL 3510, ENGL 3620, ENGL 4011, ENGL 4030,
ENGL 4100, ENGL 4110, ENGL 4114, ENGL 4120, ENGL
4130, ENGL 4140, ENGL 4150, ENGL 4200, ENGL 4210,
ENGL 4215, ENGL 4221, ENGL 4222, ENGL 4241, ENGL
4242, ENGL 4250, ENGL 4610, ENGL 4630, ENGL 4800,
ENGL4810, ENGL4820, ENGL4900
Total ProgramRequirements
Badge inProfessionalWritingProficiency
The requirements for a Badge in Professional Writing Proficiency would consist
of the following:
1. Passing agrammar/skills test
2. PassingProfessional andTechnicalWriting (ENGL3900), offered every
semester inbothonlineand seated formats
3. Passing
Professional Editing (ENGL 3910) orWriting for Digital
Media (CMS 3710), offered bothonlineand seated
4. Passing either ArgumentativeWriting (ENGL3220); AdvancedNon-
FictionWriting (ENGL4320); or AdvancedComposition (ENGL 3212):
the first class is recommended for professions requiringmore
persuasivewriting, the second is for professions requiringmore
informational writing, the third classemphasizes grammatical and
structural choices. The first is offered online, the second ina seated,
classroom format, the third class isoffered bothonlineand seated
classroom format.
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