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Campus Review
July 3, 2013
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Clayton State to Host SABE/IAREP/ICABEEP 2013 Conference
of judges on Friday, June 21. Attending
were a group of parents, principals, com-
munity and business leaders, and the pri-
mary sponsor, PEI.
This year’s SEBA has 21 students from
the following schools: Sandy Creek High
College of Business’ Annual SEBA Program
Draws 21 Local High School Students
The College of Business at Clayton State
University offered its annual Summer
Entrepreneurship and Business Academy
(SEBA) for high school students from
June 17 to June 21. Sponsored by PEI,
SEBA was a week-long, overnight acade-
my with business classes, guest speakers,
tours, team building, an etiquette lunch-
eon, and many other activities aimed at
preparing students for life after high
school and beyond.
Under the direction of Clayton State
Business Professor Dr. Beverly Wright,
SEBA’s final presentation for this year’s
talented group of academy students from
schools in Clayton, Henry, Fayette and
DeKalb counties was held before a panel
The Society for the Advancement of
Behavioral Economics (SABE), the
International Association for Research in
Economics & Psychology (IAREP), and
the International Confederation for the
Advancement of Behavioral Economics
and Economic Psychology (ICABEEP)
will hold their next international interdis-
ciplinary conference at Clayton State
University from July 25 to July 29, 2013.
The conference is the largest gathering of
scholars with interest in economic psy-
chology and behavioral economics.
Plenary speakers for the conference,
which is expected to attract close to 200
scholars from all over the world, include:
James Cox - director, Experimental
Economics Center, Georgia State
University, “Theory and Experiment for
Homo Reciprocans”
Glenn Harrison - director, Center for the
Economic Analysis of Risk, Georgia State
University, “The Myths of Behavioral
David Laibson - Harvard University
Kahneman Lecturer, “How to Design a
Commitment Contract”
Amnon Rapoport - University of Arizona
SABE Lecturer, “Behavioral Traffic Flow
in Congestible Networks”
Find more information, see the confer-
icabeep-conference or contact program
chairs Dr. Shabnam Mousavi at shab- or Clayton State’s Dr. Reza
Kheirandish at
SEBA, cont’d., p. 6