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Campus Review
June 25, 2012
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RA Matika Holmes Selected for NASPA Fellows Program
Clayton State Welcomes
Kate Troelstra as VP for External Relations
Clayton State University, especially the
External Relations Division, welcomed
Kate Troelstra on June 11 as she officially
joined Clayton State as Vice President for
External Relations.
brings to us a
wealth of experi-
ence in external
affairs activities,”
says Clayton State
Thomas J. Hynes.
“Her visits to cam-
pus drew enthusias-
tic and positive
responses from a large number of col-
leagues. We are excited to watch her build
on the efforts in communication and
development already begun here at
Clayton State University.”
A graduate of Johns Hopkins University,
she began her development career there as
a phonathon caller and later phonathon
supervisor. Since graduation, she has been
in development for more than 20 years,
spending seven years in annual giving
before moving into major gifts. She has
experience in a wide range of fundraising
settings including liberal arts colleges,
public research universities, professional
schools, and independent schools. Her
most recent position was senior director
of Development at Clemson University,
where she oversaw prospect research,
managed hiring, orientation, and profes-
sional development; prepared reports and
analysis for the campaign and reinvest-
ment fee, and carried a portfolio of major
gift prospects focused mainly in Atlanta.
Throughout her career in the field,
Troelstra notes that she has concentrated
her efforts, not so much on fund raising,
but on building relationships. At Clayton
State, she will be responsible for a wide
range of relationship-building functions,
including the University’s Development,
Relations offices.
“I am daily grateful for the work that
General Steve Stephens has done in lead-
ing the External Relations division for the
last several years,” says Hynes of
Brigadier General (Ret.) Robert L.
“Steve” Stephens, who will be retiring on
June 30, 2012, after 10 years at Clayton
State. “I am also grateful for the excep-
tional work that the search committee did
to make this a most successful search.”
Prior to joining the development staff at
Clemson in September 2008, Troelstra
was at Providence Day School in
Charlotte, N.C., for 10 years – first as
associate director of Development/direc-
tor of Major Gifts, and then as assistant
headmaster for Development, where she
was responsible for all development, alum-
ni, and communications programs. Prior to
assuming the position of assistant headmas-
ter, she managed a significant portfolio of
major gifts prospects, was responsible for all
campaign events and directed all prospect
and volunteer management.
Prior to her decade at Providence Day, her
professional experience included managing
a team of 1,500 volunteers as associate direc-
tor of Annual Giving at Rutgers University
and implementing a volunteer structure for
both annual and major gifts as a major gifts
officer at The Dickinson School of Law of
The Pennsylvania State University.
Troelstra is also active in CASE, having
served two terms as treasurer for District
III and conference co-chair for the 2011
Joint District III/IV Conference. As a
speaker she has spoken at the Summer
Institute in Educational Fundraising,
Newcomers in Development and CASE
Campaign Strategies Conferences on top-
ics including campaigns, volunteer man-
agement, and annual fund. In 2007, she
received CASE’s crystal apple for excel-
lence in teaching.
Matika Holmes, a resident assistant
(RA) at Clayton State University in the
Department of Housing, Residence
Life, and Student Conduct, from
College Park, Ga., has been selected
for the 2012/2013 class of the National
Association of Student Personnel
Undergraduate Fellows Program
The NASPA Undergraduate Fellows
Program is a highly selective, semi-
structured mentoring program for
undergraduate students wishing to
explore and better understand the field
Holmes is a rising senior at Clayton
State, majoring in Liberal Studies with a
minor in Psychology. After graduation
next spring, she will be enrolling in a
graduate program to obtain her masters in
College Student Affairs Personnel and
Conflict Analysis Resolution.
The mission of the NUFP is to increase
the number of historically disenfran-
chised and underrepresented profes-
sionals in student affairs and/or higher
education, including, but not limited
to, those of racial and ethnic-minority
background; those having a disability;
and those identifying as LGBTQ.
of student affairs
and/or higher edu-
cation. Students and
mentors apply as a
pair, and if selected
are provided the
foundation to estab-
lish a semi-struc-
tured mentoring rela-
tionship at their insti-
once selected, are
known as Fellows, and are also given the
opportunity to attend a national conference,
participate in paid internships, and partici-
pate in the Summer Leadership Institute.
Kate Troelstra
Matika Holmes