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Campus Review
May 14, 2012
Page 6
Alisa Kirk, area director of the Clayton
State University Small Business
Development Center (SBDC), will be
speaking for the Morrow Economic
Development and Planning / Morrow
Business & Tourism Association hosted
Merchants Meeting on Thursday, May 17.
The meeting will be held at the Morrow
Conference Center at Southlake Mall and
business leaders from around the
Southern Crescent will be in attendance to
hear Kirk’s talk and also learn about what
is “happening” in the area. Although
Kirk’s topic hasn’t been closely defined as
yet, she promises to speak on SDBC’s
services for local merchants. The program
will include a “Meet and Greet” at 7:32
Dennis Haught, former assistant
professor of aviation maintenance
at Clayton State University,
passed away on Friday, May 4,
2012 at Fayette Piedmont
Hospital. Dennis Haught was the
husband of former Smith Staff
Award winner Sandy Haught, the
office manager in the Office of
Facilities Management, who has
herself worked at Clayton State for
more than 20 years. Dennis Haught
was born in Bellaire, Ohio, and
was one of 13 children. He gradu-
ated from Bellaire High School.
After high school he joined the Air
Force and served for 22 years, retir-
ing as a Chief Master Sergeant. He
received many awards and medals
during his military career. After his
service, he received his master's
degree in education and joined the
since-disbanded AVMT program at
Clayton State. There will be a pri-
vate memorial service for Dennis
Haught in Arlington National
Cemetery at a later date.
a.m., with the meeting and program start-
ing at 8:03 a.m. Both will take place in the
Morrow Conference Center Ballroom.
The student body at Clayton State
University has spoken, in the form of the
annual elections for the officers of the
Student Government Association (SGA).
The results of the recently-held elections
for the 2012/2013 academic year, which
starts in August 2012, are as follows;
President: Rasheen Hunter, Vice-
President: Christian Reynolds, Treasurer:
Ta-Mia McGruder, Secretary: Joshua
Davis. Also elected were senators;
Chelsea Brock, Aja Coney, Cassandra
Henry, Jessica Malcom, Corenza Morris,
Tyniequa Mosby, Ines Nzumgang, Tevin
Smith, Ronya Williams and Xavier
University Relations
University Relations alumnus Leigh Wills
has been a planning commissioner for the
city of Hernando, Miss., for the past two-
and-a-half years. At the same time she is
also serving as manager of the Hernando
Farmers Market and as administrative
assistant with the DeSoto County tourism
office. Everyone who worked with Wills
at Clayton State fully expects her to be
running the entire county any day now.
Life’s Transitions
Across the Campus...
Relations offices.
Prior to joining the development staff at
Clemson in September 2008, Troelstra
was at Providence Day School in
Charlotte, N.C., for 10 years – first as
associate director of Development/direc-
tor of Major Gifts, and then as assistant
headmaster for Development, where she
was responsible for all development,
alumni, and communications programs.
Prior to assuming the position of assistant
headmaster, she managed a significant
portfolio of major gifts prospects, was
responsible for all campaign events and
directed all prospect and volunteer man-
Prior to her decade at Providence Day, her
professional experience included manag-
ing a team of 1,500 volunteers as associ-
ate director of Annual Giving at Rutgers
University and implementing a volunteer
structure for both annual and major gifts
as a major gifts officer at The Dickinson
School of Law of The Pennsylvania State
Troelstra is also active in CASE, having
served two terms as treasurer for District
III and conference co-chair for the 2011
Joint District III/IV Conference. As a
speaker she has spoken at the Summer
Institute in Educational Fundraising,
Newcomers in Development and CASE
Campaign Strategies Conferences on top-
ics including campaigns, volunteer man-
agement, and annual fund. In 2007, she
received CASE’s crystal apple for excel-
lence in teaching.
Stephens started at Clayton State with the
fall 2002 semester, serving as director of
academic advisement for the College of
Business, and as a visiting assistant pro-
fessor. He was appointed executive assis-
tant to then-president Dr. Thomas K.,
Harden in April 2005 and began serving
as interim vice president of External
Relations in September 2006. He was
appointed vice president by Harden as of
Nov. 1, 2008.
“I am daily grateful for the work that
General Steve Stephens has done in lead-
ing that division for the last several
years,” says Hynes. “I am also grateful for
the exceptional work that the search com-
mittee did to make this a most successful
Troelstra, cont’d. from p. 2