catalog-handbook - page 320

School ofGraduateStudies
School ofGraduateStudies
Robert A. Vaughan, Jr., Dean
At Clayton State University, the mission of graduate education is to
stimulate, encourage and support efforts that build national distinction and that
are characterized by innovations and by increasing contribution to the social,
cultural, economic, health and technological development needs of Georgia and
the nation. The University is committed to excellence, innovation and
collaboration in research and in the preparation of professionals for the highest
levels of practice.
Goals forGraduateEducation
To ensure that all graduate students areeducated by facultywho areat
the forefront of teachingand research in their disciplines.
To prepare students for leadership inaglobal society.
To prepare students to communicateandapply knowledge inways
useful to society.
To educate students to venturebeyond existingboundaries of
To offer programswhich are sensitiveand responsive to the cultural
diversityof the stateand of thenation.
To ensure that institutionswill cooperateat all levels toensure the
quality of graduateeducation.
To identifypre-collegeand undergraduate studentswith highacademic
potential andencourage them topursuegraduate study.
Roleof theGraduateSchool at ClaytonStateUniversity
Articulatea visionof excellence.
Provide for quality control ingraduateeducation.
Maintainequitable standards across disciplines.
Definewhat graduateeducation isand is not.
Bringan institution-wideperspective topost-baccalaureateeducation.
Providean interdisciplinaryperspective.
Enhance the intellectual communityof scholarsamonggraduate
studentsand faculty.
Serveas anadvocate for graduateeducation.
Emphasize the importanceof adequately training future collegeand
university teachers.
Developways for graduateeducation to contribute to and enhance
Support graduate student services.
Serveas anadvocate for issues and constituencies critical to the
success of graduateprograms.
TheSchool of GraduateStudies offers eleven graduatedegreeprograms.
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